Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Rockin' Christmas With The Clarks

We had a great Christmas with all the family. Everyone's favorite part was when Jef busted out Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I have tried to get the video up of the boys jammin' out to "Say it Ain't So," but our computer hates the video for some reason. But in the mean time here are more pictures to add Sarah's.

Monday, December 24, 2007

'Twas the Night Before Christmas!

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the abode
Only one creature was stirring and she was cleaning the commode.
The children were finally sleeping, all snug in their beds,
while visions of X-Box & Barbie flipped through their heads.
Yes, and dad was snoring in front of the TV,
with a half constructed bicycle propped on his knee.
So only the mom heard the reindeer hooves clatter,
which made her sigh, "Now what is the matter?"
With toilet bowl brush still clutched in her hand,
She descended the stairs, and saw the old man.
He was covered with ashes & soot, which fell with a shrug,
"Oh great," muttered the mom, "Now I have to clean the rug."
"Ho Ho Ho!" cried Santa, "I'm glad you're awake."
"Your gift was especially difficult to make."
"Thanks, Santa, but all I want is time alone."
"Exactly!" he chuckled, "So, I've made you a clone."
"A clone?" she muttered, "What good is that?"
"Run along, Santa, I've no time for chit chat."
Then out walked the clone - The mother's twin,
Same hair, same eyes, same double chin.
"She'll cook, she'll dust, she'll mop every mess.
You'll relax, take it easy, watch TV and rest."
"Fantastic!" the mom cheered. "My dream has come true!"
"I'll shop, I'll read, I'll sleep a night through!"
From the room above, the youngest did fret.
"Mommy?! Come quickly, I'm scared and I'm wet."
The clone replied, "I'm coming sweetheart."
"Hey," the mom smiled, "She sure knows her part."
The clone changed the child and hummed her a tune,
as she bundled the small one in a blanket cocoon.
"You're the best mommy ever. I really love you."
The clone smiled and sighed, "And I love you too."
The mom frowned and said, "Sorry, Santa,no deal.
That's my child's LOVE she is going to steal."
Smiling wisely, Santa said: "To me it is clear,
Only one loving mother is needed here."
The mom kissed her child and tucked her in bed.
"Thank You, Santa, for clearing my head.
Sometimes I forget, it won't be very long,
before they'll be too old for my cradle and song."
The clock on the mantle began to chime.
Santa whispered to the clone, "It works every time."
With the clone by his side, Santa said: "Goodnight.
Merry Christmas, dear Mom, you'll be all right."
Sometimes we need reminding of what life is all about.
Especially at times when the Holiday season shouts,
and all we do is clean, bake, and procure.
You get the picture -- I'm sure.
So stop for a moment and hug that little one so dear,
whether he/she is 2 or 22, or even older this year.
For they are the gift that God gave us from Heaven above,
and what a special gift to be treasured,with endless LOVE!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Santa's Visit

Grandpa and Grandma had a fun time with Bailee, Braden, and Malia Friday night. While Mom and Dad were on a "date night" out to dinner and doing some important shopping, we took the kids to the 5th Ward annual Christmas party. Collette dropped me off at their house on her way to work and yes...their yard and house look great with the lights and decorations. I loaded up everyone in their car so car seats wouldn't have to be switched and I drove them to pick up Grandpa. He was getting the 15 passenger van for Saturday's young single adult trip to Salt Lake Saturday morning. Bailee and Braden were so excited, we just couldn't get there fast enough. They loved the ward Christmas dinner and ate and ate and ate! Grandpa told them they couldn't have any more desserts unless they ate some more dinner food, so they filled their plates again and had more ham, rolls, and salads! We all enjoyed the festive cakes and cookies! They enjoyed hearing the Primary kids sing as they patiently waited for a guest that was supposed to be arriving. Malia slept through most of the party, but when she awoke, she smiled at everyone and charmed her way to lots of laps. When the kids heard Santa's sleigh bells, they were pretty excited. Braden and Grandpa had to make a potty stop and Bailee wouldn't go down to the room where Santa was greeting the kids without Braden. They had all the kids get in line according to age, so they were right at the front. Grandma snapped a picture of them on Santa's lap and they loved the job chart and big stocking full of goodies and toys that Santa's helper gave each of the children. Malia stayed with Grandpa and enjoyed everyone fussing over her. It became real foggy, so Grandma loaded them up and took them home. Malia was gettting fussy and a little hungry, so Grandma got the bottle ready. But didn't have a chance to try feeding her, as Mom and Dad got home right then. They were very good kids and we had a blast. Thanks for a wonderful time Bailee, Braden, and Malia!

It's that Time of year!

Just some hints on how to handle this season a little better.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Clark Family Elves

Thanks to Paul and Will, here is the Clark Family entertaining for you!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Something to think about!

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Update on the Life of Chad

I was sitting here at the Idaho State University library....trying to study physics and plan out my next month or so.....when I realized that I have never let anyone outside of my "bubble" know how I am doing lately. So, let me take a break and give you all an update:

I am fantastic....even after Robert Goulet died.

School is going well.....spanish is fine, chemistry is too......and physics and I respect each other now. What else can I say?

I am adjusting back to normal life. Everyday I learn something new. Yes, I still have those moments where I miss the mission and say or do something that makes people laugh or stare at me blankly. (i.e. point with my lips or say "yes" with my eyebrows, pronounce a word funny, let some lugandan words slip out, etc. etc.). All in all, I am getting better.

I play soccer with some people from my ward up here. It is intramurals so, we have a good time. We have the longest streak in the league right now - most games played at 11:15 pm. We won our last game so hoorah.

Oh....I finally played Guitar Hero the other day......i think it was Guitar Hero III.....i played one song at our bishop's house - Alice Cooper - School's Out.....good times.

I am still working at Fanzz....which is awesome. I get paid to watch ESPN and talk about sports...what more could you ask for?

Overall, I am having an awesome time. I wish I could post some pictures, but I have none. I love it here. I am glad to be here. I know that there is much work to be done for me here. I love the gospel and am grateful for it. The church is true. Jesus is the Christ and he loves us all.

I love you all.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Surgery and Recovery

As most of you know, Dale had minor same-day surgery on his knee Friday at the Sawtooth Surgery Center in Twin Falls. It was a fairly simple and common procedure and we were in and out of there in just a few hours. He joked that it was just like flying from Twin Falls to Salt Lake. You have to be at the TF airport an hour before take off to check in. Your flight to Salt Lake takes less than an hour and then you are in the Salt Lake airport another hour or so before going on to the final destination! We checked in at 6:30am and his surgery was at 7:30am. It took 45 minutes and they sent him home approximately 1 hour later! We were very fortunate to have one of our favorite doctors perform the procedure, Dr. William May (Billy, as I call him). He was my neighbor growing up in American Fork and his family was very special to us. He is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Idaho. We also had our good friend and Bishop, Bob Kinghorn, administer the anesthetic. He ended up putting in Dale's iv for the flustered nurse who failed.
Dr. May repaired a "bucket handle" tear in the minicus that caused the torn cartilage to hang up in the back of his knee joint. He said he didn't see how Dale could have even walked on it, it would be so painful. He removed the cartilage, cleaned up his knee of worn areas and a tiny bit of arthritis, bandaged the three holes and stitches where the scope instruments went in the knee, and sent him home with instructions to take it easy for 48 hours. Well, that isn't easy for Dale. But we managed by setting up a "recovery" station in the living room on the couch complete with a tv, dvd player, and some of his favorite movies. I moved a comfy chair over by him and enjoyed spending the day and evening "tending" him and watching some great movies. We don't do that near enough, not that I would recommend getting an injury to slow down and enjoy time together. I tried out a new recipe for him for dinner and made him chocolate brownie pudding pie. He was a good boy and kept his knee elevated and iced most of the time and walked around in between so it wouldn't lock up. He even went up and down the stairs, much to my dismay, but said it felt better than it ever has. Saturday was much the same, we both snoozed during the Boise Bronco's rout over Utah State, which we would have done during any boring game. Lots of young single adults from the branch checked in on him after our Stake Conference adult session and made sure he was doing okay. I brought him a pizza on my way home from the meeting to enjoy and I was a bit mad at him for going out to the garden, getting cilantro, and making some fresh salsa while I was gone. Sunday, I went to Stake Conference without him but took copious notes, as it was a broadcast from Salt Lake for 39 Idaho Stakes. He had some visitors on Sunday, one was our branch RS Compassionate Service person and she brought him a cute "sympathy" card and a bag of chex mix treat. Our Stake President, Paul Tateoka and his wife, Nadine, came by to check on him in the evening. He speaks Japanese with Dale and it was a great visit. He took the dressing off Sunday evening and put water-proof bandages over the holes so he could shower this morning. And yes, he went to work today with the strict charge from his "nurse" to keep his leg up and iced most of the day. He will go see "Billy" on Thursday and get further instructions for his rehabilitation. He is so anxious to get back to the gym. I am proud of him and how strong he is (he didn't even take pain pills at all Sunday). Because of his dedicated gym time, his knee is in great shape. He was a good patient and I have to admit that all I want to do today is sit and watch a movie with him! Dale, you are still my "Big R Man!"(Thanks to Alisa for the help with the cute graphics)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Wishing everyone in the family a safe and fun halloween! Remember it is ok to through out the candy so you are not tempted to eat too much of it. Even more food for thought don't buy candy next year do something else, we are passing out yo-yos this year.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Having Fun with Grandma and Grandpa

In honor of Dale I am double posting. This past weekend was great. On Friday night Jef and I and the two older boys went to the season opener of the Idaho Steelheads. It was an ok game they lost in overtime. The real fun was on Saturday when Grandma and Grandpa came to our house for the day. They came up to watch Logan's last soccer game. The Chief's won and they had one handsome looking coach out on the field. After the game we came back to our house to show grandma our cool game. Here is Logan and grandma playing. It was a lot of fun. We love you guys and hope to see you again soon!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Happy October Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Kyler (9th)!
Happy Birthday to Jef (12th)!
Happy Birthday to Braden (15th)!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sunday Stew

I made stew for Sunday dinner a week ago and did a photo journal of the making and serving. First I will put the recipe:

1lb Supreme Beef Stew Meat
20 baby carrots cut up
2 small onions cut up
4 Medium size Yukon Gold Potatoes
1 can Ro-Tel (stewed Tomatoes and Green Chilies)
Palm full of Montreal Steak Seasoning
6 cups water
Beef Bullion

Brown beef over stove to sear in juices.
Assemble all ingredients into crockpot and let it cook on its own for about 5 hours. Next time I will use less water. We decided it would be better less brothy. It was great though. Jef took some the next day to work for one of his meals.
The boys weren't sure about eating it, but loved it with some ketchup, and we all know ketchup makes it better.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Is Salsa a food group?

Thanks to Grandpa Orr, our kids get an extra serving of vegetables almost each and everyday. How you ask?


When we went to Idaho over Labor day weekend, we helped George make salsa. They had so much of it, we got to bring home quite a few jars. I have been grinding it up in the food processor so it's not "chunky". The kids ask for chips and salsa ALL the time. We got home from church and they wanted chips and salsa. They absolutely LOVE it.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Well we've moved on up to unlimited text messaging and mom is getting quite savy on the messaging. She's getting faster by the text.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hanging Out Together

Collette and I have had some great times this past weekend and it's been fun hanging out together. We attended two bridal showers for girls in the Branch on Saturday. One was a fancy brunch and the other featured a supper, boy did we luck out on the food! We even made it over to Twin Falls to shop inbetween.
Dale was pretty well left on his own, poor thing...he did manage to can 21 pints of salsa from the tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic, and cilantro from our garden. It is so good and we love you Dad for spending your Saturday making it for us.

Sunday, Collette and I played Scrabble. We like that game and because Dale didn't play, we used a few words that probably only we have heard of.
Dale is in Spokane this week, so it's just the two of us.
We went to Family Home Evening at our singles Branch last night and had a great time. Our activity always starts with a song and prayer, then a conference message from the Ensign. We had four groups playing Uno and Phases 10, it was a blast. I was the winner on my table, surprise, surprise! We had a variety of sweet breads with regular and chocolate milk for refreshments, yum, yum! We always end with a kneeling "family branch" prayer.
Tonight, we are going over to Cameron and Mary's to visit, always a highlight. It is fun to play with the kids and see what has been done to their yard and house.
Wednesday night, we have our "Branch supper" at Taco Bell, then head to our Institute Book of Mormon class afterwards. I am sure we will exhaust the menu soon, so will petition to meet at the food court in the mall next time!
Thursday, Chad and Dale will be home and we all head out Friday morning to a wedding in the Bountiful temple...Chad's best friend and his bride-to-be...members of the singles Branch.
We are so lucky to be able to be with those "kids" of ours in the temple.
After pictures and a luncheon, we head back to Jerome where we will attend Jerome 's Homecoming, Dale announcing the football game and the rest of us cheering the team and scoping out all the fans to see who we remember or don't!
Good times we've had....good times ahead! With Collette, it is always fun!

Friday, September 7, 2007

You're as young as you feel...

Dale doesn't usually let too many things "slide" past him...except maybe the young single adults as they slid into home plate at Family Home Evening a couple of weeks ago! We had so much fun, they set up this slip-n-slide into home and as you can see, Dale pretty well does whatever the kids do. They can always count on President Clark. We so enjoy our Monday night FHE's with our YSA Branch. As long as we have our muscle rub and extra-strength Tylonol, we do just fine!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting "Sauced" in Caldwell, Idaho!

Check out the details of making our bbq sauce on Linda's Legacy blog spot.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hanging Out Together

Hanging out with Aunt Letty is always fun, especially when you get to have your picture taken. Malia always looks adorable and loves to be held and rocked at Grandma's house. (Collette said that she would love to be rocked and held at Grandma's house, too!) These pics were taken Sunday when Cameron's family came for dinner. Ah, a nice benefit for all of us when you live close by.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am so cool!

So today I made Pita Bread (you know, the kind with pockets). It was so cool, I am so proud of myself!!!!! They have pockets and everything! I just have to figure out what to make to put in them! Any thoughts--

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Picture of Paul and Marcelene Gauger

I found a picture in my Heritage Photos folder on my computer of my Mom and Dad, Paul and Marcelene Gauger. Check it out on Linda's Legacy blog.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things gleaned from remembering President Faust

I loved President James E. Faust, who recently passed away. As many of you know, he was a counselor in the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a surprise to me that he died because I guess I have been so busy that I didn't even hear any news that he was that ill. I knew he had problems with his back, but not serious enough to take his life. I watched the funeral services for President Faust on KBYU from the historical tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City this past Tuesday. I gleaned rich treasures of insight from the life of this great man and just wanted to share a couple of things the Spirit witnessed to me. The music was provided by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and I was so touched by every song and was delighted that the three they performed are favorites of mine. They opened the services with the song, "He That Hath Clean Hands"(the signature song for Jesse Evans Smith) which describes James E. Faust to a tee. I will always remember his integrity from now on when I hear that song. I always want to have clean hands, a pure heart, a soul that is not lifted up to vanity, and never swear deceitfully...just like President Faust. Mid-way they sang another favorite of mine, "O Divine Redeemer", which reminded me of the pure and powerful testimony and witness President Faust bore of His Savior many times in his apostolic calling. The closing song was "This Is The Christ". Just recently I accompanied our Stake Relief Society Chorus as we sang this for stake conference. I again felt the love and spirit of this beautiful song. Elder Boyd K. Packer mentioned that the text of this song was written by James E. Faust. I never knew that and I was amazed because I have loved the powerful message of this song for so long.
I loved the account given by Marcus Faust, a son, of the time when his father called the family all together when Pres. Faust was called as a counselor in the First President. He told them he could not magnify this new calling unless he first magnified his calling as husband and father because he would never be released from that calling. That touched me and taught me again the importance of families, priorities, and the support we all need from our families when we serve in the Church. President Monson gave some counsel and words of encouragement directly to Pres. Faust's children and grandchildren. And I want to add the same wish to my precious children and grandchildren from the same message. President Monson said the best way for President Faust's children and grandchildren to honor their father was to remember this scripture as if "Jim" were saying it to them... from the New Testament - 3 John verse 4: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
It was thrilling to listen to the eloquent words of love and praise President Hinckley gave his counselor and friend. My soul was so touched when he called President Faust's talk on Forgiveness at General Conference a masterpiece. That was a powerful address and one that I have read and taught from many times. Pres. Hinckley said that posterity was President Faust's greatest treasure. I pondered about that and want to say, too, that my posterity is my greatest treasure.
It was poignant to witness at the very end of the service President Hinckley and the Apostles that were in attendance form two lines on both sides of the tabernacle as the casket and family passed through to the outside. There was such love and reverence expressed.
I came away from this experience full of gratitude for the life of James E. Faust. My testimony of the Savior's love for this man and for all of His servants in His Church was strengthened. I felt much love and appreciation for my wonderful family. May you all know how much I love you and hope you will always remember these few things I've mentioned here. Thank you for being a support to me.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mason's Arm

Hello everyone! It has finally happened in our family...Mason broke his arm last night. Look on my page for the full update.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Finally Posting My Travels

I have finally begun posting my travels from the past couple of weeks. I decided to do them in segments, so the first one....Kuna, now posted on my blog spot. Thanks to everyone for such a great time!

Monday, August 13, 2007

New Digital Scrapbook Header

Let me know what you all think of this header!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Orr Family Blog

I have added a blog for our family, it's:

Check it out!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hangin in Montana

Well mom and I are hanging out in Montana with the Orr's. It is a fun time here close to the mountains. Mom is having an especially good time. She is drugged out on Benadryl and or Claritin. Last night was the best. She had taken both medications and was a little loopy. We sang "Wise Man and the Foolish Man" for songs before bed with the kids and lets just say.....Mom doing the actions was classic. She looked like she was conducting the Phil Harmonic. So funny. You probably had to be there. Every once in a while Zadyn and Avery would switch off to sit next to her and every time one would jump on the couch, she would "wake up."
Today is Zadyn's birfday. She is 2 years old and already having "issues" about aging. Yesterday at lunch we asked her if tomorrow was her birthday. Kyler said, "Yeah Zadyn it's your birthday tomorrow." We asked her again and she started to bawl. She cried for like 5 minutes. We finally decided that she didn't want to get any older. Toddler wrinkles are soooooo embarrassing. She's OK with it today.....for now.
We've been having fun plotting ways to entertain the neighbors. Apparently they are quite nosey so we are thinking of ways to "peak" their interest. We have come up with: My trumpet practices (y'all remember that I can make the sound with my mouth), Jump roping that I learned while in prison with Paris Hilton (the woman is "celebrity watcher"), flashing the basement lights, and having a funeral in the backyard while I "play" "Taps" with my trumpet mouth. That one we will not go outside with one of the kids. We would just pretend one of them died. As you can see we like to stimulate the neighborhood.
Avery would like me to point out that we played lots of games last night. My personal favorite was one called "Whoonu?" It is a Cranium game. You have these cards and they have words on them and you have to guess the one that best describes the person who is "it." It is fun to see what people think best describes you. We played it like 7 or 8 times.
Well we are having lots of fun here and will be heading home on Saturday.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Blog Famine

Well, seeing as there is a type of blog famine going on, let me post something.

Life this week has been nice in the Clark house....but not so nice. Why? Mom has been gone to Boise. So, we have been missing her, but at the same time we have been surviving (mostly on cold cereal and toast....but the kind with the least "carbs"). We have been washing clothes by hand, the dishes are piling up, but at least we are getting used to that garbage smell.

Actually, I am just kidding....we've been doing fine...only missing mom. Dad has been cooking awesome food (as always). We take care of the dishes and laundry and garbage just fine.

We do look forward to having mom back this evening for a while before we all take off tomorrow to Pocatello for Cam's graduation, Malia's blessing, and the IF Farmer's Market on Saturday. Then (as you have all probably seen) she is gone for the next week to Montana to visit Alisa and her kids. So yeah, that is all I can say.

Toffiyo ya'all.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Making the Rounds

I am traveling around to be with the grandkids the next couple of weeks. Check out plans and pictures on my blog! I WILL BE BACK!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Avery's Blog Entry

Yesterday I went to the dentist because I had cavities. Dad came home early from work to watch Kyler and Zadyn was taking a nap. Me and mom waited until we could go. Then we went to the room we had to go to. I got in the chair and we waited for the dentist. They filled in my cavity. Mom thought I had three cavities, but I only had one. I got to pick out of the treasure box. I got an airplane, a purse (for Zadyn) and a game (for Kyler). We went home and we had Macaroni for dinner and I had to chew on the other side of my mouth. The End
(Alisa's version -- we thought we saw three cavities in Avery's mouth, but the dentist just said the other two were deep grooves in the tooth that were hard to clean. After they filled the cavity, they told him he could pick two prizes from the treasure chest. He said he would get one for himself and one for Kyler. They were so impressed that he would pick something for his brother, too. So, they told him he better get something for his little sister, too, and he was really excited about that. What a great kid!)

Welcome back Daddy

Well we are all waiting for dad to come back from his business trip to Kansas, Minnisota, or some wacko state like that today. I suggested to mom that we go to the airport with a whole bunch of signs and suprise him. She just rolled her eyes. Alisa said to make them anyway and put them up around the house. We shall see what happens. Mom's pretty anxious. It will be nice having him back. We weren't too good at making or deciding what's for dinner.

Check out my new Blog Spot

I have created my own new Blog Spot, check it out at:
This is way fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jef's Future Bodyguards

Karate Kids MD and LJ in their true fighting stance. This terrible twosome will need all the practice they can get to take on young Cole (who already torments them endlessly).

"Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything."
-Mr. Kesuke Miyagi

Added side note...Lesson taught

When the young single adults greeted us for our weekly Family Home Evening the Monday we got home from our Hawaii trip, the first thing the skeptical boys who were at the house for the work party asked Dale was, "So...what do you really think of the color? We knew you wouldn't like it, we tried to tell them, so tell YOU like it?" Dale taught a very important lesson with his reply that silenced them and let everyone in the room know what was most important to him. His reply was, "Linda likes it and so I like it."

My "While You Were Out" Experience

One thing that I have learned to enjoy is to watch my kids' cable tv channels when we go to visit and their favorite home improvement shows. It is amazing to me how people can go into a home and with sometimes minimal decorating savvy, transform the ordinary to something truly amazing. I am not a decorator, never will be, and don't have desires to become one! I have always just loved having things that people have given me or I happen to like when I see them around my house and on my walls. I am a firm believer that what makes a house a "home" is the love inside, not how fancy or up to date the decor is. But, having said that, I have watched my children with their homes create beautiful colors schemes and fashion decor that equal or go beyond any professional make-over tv show I've ever seen. And most important, the atmosphere maintains the love and comfort of a "home". My children are incredible! They must have picked up on some comments I've said here and there about how I just might like to maybe consider changing some things around and do something a little different in my living room. And I'm sure they've experienced first hand the challenging space of my kitchen when all of us get together, not to mention listening to my frustrating comments about it.

Now here's the exciting part! When Dale and I were spending an unforgettable week in Hawaii when Collette graduated the end of June, my children put into action a plan they had been talking about for sometime. Keeping Dale apprised of their secret mission, they did their extraordinary magic in the house "while we were out!" that week. Sarah Nanine came and spent the week working so hard on so many projects. The young single adults from the church branch that Dale and I work with were recruited to come and spend an evening painting walls and stripping down kitchen cupboards. Some of the cynical guys kept challenging the green color that the living room was being painting, reminding Sarah frequently that Dale would definitely NOT like it! Sarah took pictures of the curtains, lamps, and wall hangings and worked with every one's opinion via the computer about what looked they liked or didn't like. She labored long hours white-washing the fireplace and stripping down and refurnishing all the kitchen cabinets. Her sister Wendy came and helped some and watched Sarah's three boys when she could. Well, to make this I-could-spend-hours-telling-this-story short...I did not have a clue as to what transpired in my home the week we were gone. When Jef, Sarah, and the boys brought our car to the airport when we arrived home in Boise, they seemed a little hesitant to talk extensively about the week and I noticed that the boys weren't really saying much either! Found out later that Sarah persuaded them strongly to not give away the fact that they were at Grandma's house for the week when asked how their week went! Sarah gave me some pillows before we left that were in a garbage bag, just casually mentioning that she found me some couch pillows. I didn't even think to look at them at the time because when we find things we know the other person likes at a thrift store, we usually just get them for each other. When we arrived home and before we entered the house, Dale just threw out the comment..."Oh, by the way, you'll notice some things different in the house." Nothing really registered yet, as I was tired with jet lag and the reality of our wonderful week in Hawaii being over. Walking in the piano room, my eye did catch all the old living room couch pillows on a chair and then I looked at the pillows that Sarah gave me as I walked up the stairs, wondering why they were all a soft lime green color.... Words still cannot describe the feelings I had when I looked at my brand new living room that had been painted, refurnished with a new couch and chairs, new accessories, etc. All I could do was cry and look around spellbound and mutter! He had to steer me into the kitchen to see the cabinets and then came the flood again. So many emotions were going through my head and as Dale filled me in on the how...why...when...I was overcome with such gratitude and deep love for my children, their sacrifice, and unselfish gift to me. Details of course followed as I talked to Sarah and I hope that she will add her story and pictures on the blog. A week later, some kitchen cabinets were taken out to open up and brighten the kitchen area. It was a true defining moment...getting rid of some dishes and things.
Something worth mentioning as I close this lengthy, but so special to me, story... I still have a picture that was my Dad's, a nick knack shelf that was my Grandmother's, a clock that my brother made for me, and all the pictures of my grand kids still incorporated in my new decor because my family just knew that they were important to me and I thank them. I truly have a great and loving family!(not to mention talented, creative, and a knack for the amazing!)



Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Finally finshed!

I have officially finished Harry Potter 7 and I must say, it was a great read! I was glad that I reread books 5 and 6 before, but have to admit I didn't understand ALL the details that put together the last connections. I am looking forward to gaining more insight as I discuss it with those who have read it, too. As an avid reader, I was amazed at a series of 7 books that could keep you guessing, speculating, and wanting more with each chapter as the last book did. And to have remarkable things brought out even in the last 2 pages of the book that shed light on the entire story. Will be hard pressed to find something now to read that will be equal to the task of keeping me reading for long periods of time. On the other hand, I SHOULD now get cracking at projects and things that have needed to be done for a while!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pool Therapy 7/24/07

Zadyn had her second round of pool therapy today and again had a good day. She played with a boat to start, the therapist would push it to her and she would have to push it back, using her left arm. Then they got the noodles (those long foam floating things) and played with those for a while. Zadyn had to have both hands on it and she would push it out, and then pull it back to her belly, then push it back out. Then she would have to move it side to side and make it dance. After doing this for a while, Zadyn sat in the chair that they can lower into the water and the therapist felt her muscles and checked her bone positions. Then Zadyn splashed us and had fun just "playing" with the boat and pushing it around. Over all another good visit.
The therapist says that Zadyn's left arm is pretty equal to the right in terms of bone placement and structure right now. I guess a really common secondary issue is an over accentuated scapula. Fortunately, Zadyn doesn't seem to have any other concerns with her shoulder or chest muscles or bones right now -- except the left shoulder is slightly higher than the right, but we will start working on taping that down in a few months, when the larger therapeutic body suit fits.
So, good news today regarding the bone structure and the bicep is looking great, still getting stronger so that is good. She is up to about an ounce and a half in her bracelet, probably will have 2 ounces by the time the week is done. She's doing really well with that and that has been nice! She was actually pretty excited to get to swim with Holly today and didn't cry at all!

Monday, July 23, 2007

So, I pre-ordered Harry Potter on Monday, the 16th from and it didn't come on Saturday. No biggie, our mail here SUCKS and so I thought it would come today. It didn't. So I call and ask them about it because I have a confirmation number and everything, just no book. So the lady says that everyone who ordered after the 15th was supposed to get the message that they ran out of books and they would have to either buy in the store or from some other website. I never got the e-mail. So here I was anxiously awaiting a book that wasn't even shipped. So now Grant has to stop at Walmart on his way home from work today and HOPE they have some in the store. Gotta love Walmart, don't ya???

Saturday, July 21, 2007

More Pictures

I put a few pictures from my China and Mongolia tour on my blog. When I say a few I really mean a few. I took close to 1500 pictures including videos. Maybe one day we will do one of those really boring slideshow presentations.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Everyone Vote on the Poll

I just finished #6 again and am anxiously waiting my for my mail on Saturday!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Newness Wore off all ready?

Has the newness of the blog all ready worn off? I haven't heard much from anybody lately. Mom are you going to post about your version of the "While you were Out"? I will get some pics together next week to put up on the blog.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Zadyn's Physical Therapy Update (as requested by Dad)

Zadyn went to physical therapy yesterday (Tuesday) and did GREAT. She is usually not really into doing much for the therapist, so it was a good day. She did repeated repetitions of bending her left arm to her mouth, right shoulder, nose, chin, etc. She holds a small baby in her right hand that "watches" what she does. The therapist would hold a puzzle piece up and Zadyn would reach up and get it and then put in on the puzzle board. She continued to do this for about half an hour! She has never had that many reps in a row without getting tired! But, she eventually did get bored/tired/annoyed and so we switched to something else.
The PT got out a bowl of dried beans and hid small blocks in it. Zadyn had to reach into the bowl with her left hand and FEEL for the block. She couldn't do it. She had to be able to see it before she could find it. She she would "dig" the beans out and around until she could see the block and then pull it out. We are to work with her on this to develop her fine feeling (real acute feeling in her left hand is pretty nonexistent).
After cleaning up the beans from the floor, we got out the plastic slide and a heavier baby doll. Zadyn has to use both hands to put the baby on the slide and push it down. Plus she has to use both hand to climb the slide and go down herself. After the slide, we hung the swing from the ceiling and let her swing on it. The PT hold the swing just right and makes Zadyn pull herself back while holding on the swings rope, this allowing the bicep to have mini-reps.
The PT also noticed that Zadyn's bicep is getting bigger. It was quite noticeable now as she was working. It is still not as big as the right arm, but a LOT bigger than it has ever been. (When she was about 8 months old, you couldn't feel a muscle at all, only bone-- so ya, it's good.) The weight bracelets are working great. We are going to increase the weight by 1/4 ounce every other day until it becomes too hard for her to use. At this point, we'll back off 1/4 ounce and keep that weight for a week or so.
Next week we will be in the pool again, which should be fun because every time we talk about filling up our little wading pool and letting the kids swim, Zadyn says, no swim Holly (the PT). So we'll see how next week goes and swimming with Holly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Luckiest Grandma!

Here are all of my adorable "angels"! We took many pictures the Sunday Chad got home down at Niagra Springs. Sarah Nanine worked her magic with the camera again and Collette's friend Celestia took the whole family shots.

L to R: Cole (Jef); Logan (Jef); front of Logan, Isaak (Jeremy); Zadyn (Alisa); Kyler (Alisa); Bailee (Cameron); baby Malia (Cameron); sitting, Braden (Cameron); Mason (Jef); Avery (Alisa).
It is a happy day when they come to Grandma and Grandpa's house!


After a bit of consternation I am finally on but using the TruckMaster account. I am not sure how to invite someone yet so is the 'DAD' of this outfit.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Zadyn's weighted bracelets

This is the "bracelet" we made for Zadyn to weight lift. There is, right now, about an ounce of weight in it. I found some pretty pink and purple sports wrap that sticks to itself and keeps her from pulling the bracelets off. She isn't too happy with me for making her wear it, but she has no choice at this point. We are trying to build up her bicep muscle. We take her to physical therapy once a week, on Tuesday mornings. I will be checking with the therapist tomorrow to see if her muscle is growing. Last week she was able to do pool therapy and really enjoyed that. Once she got used to the idea, she did quite well.

Recital and Graduation

Collette presented her senior vocal recital in the David O. McKay Fine Arts Auditorium on BYU-Hawaii campus. Here she is with her voice teacher, Sister Joann Ottley, wife of Gerald Ottley, former Mo-Tab director. She performed Italian, French, German, and English songs in Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contempory styles, for a total of 18 songs. Dale and I felt very blessed to be able to be there and hear her sing once more!

Collette graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Vocal Studies, Saturday, June 23rd. It was a wonderful ceremony, with Elder Richard G. Scott as the keynote speaker. She was privileged to sing for Elder Scott and Elder Ralph Kerr, Commissioner of Church Education, at the Graduation Banquet Luau Thursday night. We were on the same plane home with them, too, so knew all would be well with our flight! It is fun to have her home again. She is presenting her BYU-Concert Choir Tour to China and Mongolia tonight for our Young Single Adult Branch Family Home Evening. It was like a mission for her!

Time...a matter of perspective!

Two years has come and gone since Chad left on his mission. Ironically, here he is on a turtle, a favorite picture of mine, symbolizing how slow it seemed to me! But as Dad always says when selling his hot barbeque sauce when asked how hot is it..."It's all a matter of perspective! What did the snail say as he rode on the back of the turtle as he leaned into the curve? Wheee! It's all a matter of perspective!" That's how I guess we look at a two year mission. Mostly Sslow at times for the Mom, but too fast for the elder or sister serving. We witnessed that this week. But Chad is really glad to be home now I think and beginning to adapt back to life here in America! We love having him home until he leaves for school the end of August.

Getting High Tech

Wow it seems our not so little family is getting so high tech these days.
Look at us our own little blog and every thing. How fun for us. Now all the kids at school are going to be jealous when I tell them that my family has their own blog and they don't.
Just pickin'. This is a fun and cool idea for all of us to share our happenin's and to keep in touch, maybe better than we already are.
Love you all!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mom's First Blog Entry

I am so excited to be contributing to the Clark Family Blog. I didn't even know what a blog was, thought it was the name of an old horror movie...but that was "The Blob!" I have such a wonderful famiy, I have come to realize that when I mention something that I want or wish for, more than not those dreams come true, thanks to my loving and giving family. With such creative children, it will be a challenge to keep up with their entries, but one of them reminded me to take the time spent emailing Chad every Sunday on his mission and work on the blog.

So, upcoming from me will be our Hawaii trip and Collette's graduation, the "While You Were Out" surprise renovation in my home while I was gone, Chad's safe return from his mission in Uganda, a fantastic day of all my children in the temple together and then time together with all of the family.

So here is a picture of Dale and I on the beach with details to follow!!