Monday, July 16, 2007

Time...a matter of perspective!

Two years has come and gone since Chad left on his mission. Ironically, here he is on a turtle, a favorite picture of mine, symbolizing how slow it seemed to me! But as Dad always says when selling his hot barbeque sauce when asked how hot is it..."It's all a matter of perspective! What did the snail say as he rode on the back of the turtle as he leaned into the curve? Wheee! It's all a matter of perspective!" That's how I guess we look at a two year mission. Mostly Sslow at times for the Mom, but too fast for the elder or sister serving. We witnessed that this week. But Chad is really glad to be home now I think and beginning to adapt back to life here in America! We love having him home until he leaves for school the end of August.


Sarah said...

Dale and his sales techniques!!

Dale said...

Yep, it truely is all a matter of perspective!