Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You know your tired when....


Collette said...

Oh Cole...that kid really can sleep anywhere can't he. I wish I had that skill sometimes

Dad said...

Now that is a cute video of a very cute boy! Oh, the stories we could tell about his father at that age.
;- )

Linda Clark said...

This very well could be me! I understand totally what he feels here. Cute video of a cute boy. Miss you guys, so glad your house is rented!

Arlene Heiner said...

Linda that is so cute. I was wondering how many gandkids you have. They are the greatest I know. I would love to get together with you and have lunch or something if you are ever in town.

Arlene Heiner said...

I would love to stop by on Saturday. As far as I know I'll be around. I'd love to say "hi" to Julie also. If something doesn't come up, I'll see you on Saturday

Kathleen Gauger said...

That's pretty tired. Cute!!!