Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow"...well, sort of!

(This is what my Seminary class used to call Sister Clark's self-portrait...go figure!)
Ok, you people who enjoyed lots of beautiful snow this past weekend. We were gearing up for the weather forecast advisory for Friday night for 2 to 5 inches of snow after midnight. Well, I was excited to see our dusting of snow Saturday morning and took these pictures of it covering our flowers and our tomatoes…covered with tarps because of the freeze warnings the past couple of nights. Dale and I bundled up and picked 30 lbs of roma tomatoes for his marinara sauce he made. I helped him cut up peppers and tomatoes and then ran errands and did some needed shopping as he finished up and simmered his sauce in the afternoon. Here is a pic of his beautiful results already put away on our storage shelves.
He is such an avid canner and I am amazed at his patience with the whole process. It snowed all afternoon, but the ground was too warm I guess for it to stick. The stores were packed and it was like shopping for Christmas. I was getting excited again because I figured when the temperature dropped, it would probably start sticking. Last check out my bedroom window at midnight Saturday night before I went to bed showed big, beautiful flakes falling and I knew we would wake up to some snow. WRONG! No snow on the ground in Jerome Sunday morning…well, southwest of town where we live. Dale texted a picture from the Seminary building in town where we meet for our YSA branch meetings that showed 2-3 inches. Neighboring towns received a foot of snow between Friday night and Sunday morning. As we drove into church, the closer we got to town, the more snow we saw. And of course it was all melted by noon.
Just wanted to share these delightful creations that Collette has carved and painted, don't want to steal her thunder, I am sure she will blog about it when she gets a chance...but they certainly brighten up our holiday decor.We're having beautiful sunny days this week in the 50’s and upper 60’s. So, no more whining for snow, I am sure we will get it soon enough and hopefully more in the mountains where it is really needed.


Audrey said...

Oh you talented Clark family! I sure wish we lived closer and I could barter a jar of homemade sauce and a handpainted, carved pumpkin to boot. Don't know what I would trade.... hmmm how about a 5 yr old?

Cathy Lott said...

I wish Dale had canned my tomatoes. I did some, but I always plant too many. And I am so sad when they are gone. Why can't we just have one tomato plant that grows year round?

Paulene Davis said...

I can't believe that you were wishing for snow. Then again, you are younger than I am so your circulation is better. You have always had a very impressive garden. The jars look beautiful.