Saturday, December 13, 2008

In Case Ya'all Hadn't Heard........


In case you all haven't heard (i.e. mom hasn't announced it or passed a note with the sacrament) I am now officially engaged to Bailey Robertson (AKA my everything).
I just thought you would all like to know.
Will post pictures later.

Love ya.


Sarah said...

Congrats Chad and Bailee, I want to know all the details, us girls are saps like that. BTW I want to know before her mom tells all my connections in IF.

Mary Clark said...

Congrats Chad and Bailey! We couldn't be more happier. Do post pictures of the ring and of course of the cute couple

Audrey said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! I'll tell everyone I know.

Linda Clark said...

Not with the sacrament....just during RS "good news" moment!