Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Carol's

So i heard this joke and just had to share, I hate to take away from mom's spiritual post, it is a very beautiful nativity and that is the true meaning of christmas, but I think this will bring christmas cheer and laughter...

Three men, all nurses, died on Christmas Eve and were met by St. Peter at the pearly gates.

"In honor of the season," St. Peter said, "you must each possess something that symbolizes Christmasto get into heaven on this holy day."

The 1st nurse fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a penlight. He flicked it on and said, "it represents a holy candle."

"You may pass through the pearly gates," St. Peter said.

The second nurse reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "they are bells."

St. Peter said, "you may pass through the pearly gates."

The third nurse searched frantically through his pockets and finally, after much perspiration and anxiety, pulled out a pair of women's panties.

"What do these have to do with Christmas?" asked St. Peter.

The nurse replied, " They're Carol's."

and i'm out!!!

1 comment:

Linda Clark said...

Did you hear this one at work? It is funny!